I was excited to attend the Annual Conference of the Northern IL Conference of the United Methodist Church, on behalf of The Night Ministry. Often, at such conferences, I set up our little display, and then chat with pastors and lay leaders about our work, having me come visit, ways to get involved, etc.
This time, my assigned table happened to be in a back corner of the conference center. On the first day of the four day conference, I decided I needed to kick my standard display up a notch, in an effort to be noticed by conference attendees.
I drove away from the conference center, looking for stores that might sell helpful materials. Sure enough, within a block, I saw one of those big party stores. I had an awesome moment of deciding which foil balloons to appropriate for my purposes (inspired by the excellent article about balloon banner drops in Recipes for Disaster. Clearly, the appropriate choice for The Night Ministry was Batman. Photos follow.