Sunday, July 15, 2007

Nicaragua: I´m leaving in September

After much prayer by myself and others, I have decided to leave Nicargua on September 19th, instead of on December 17th. On September 19th I fly to Guatemala City to visit Beth Peachey, and from there I will go to the States.

There are many reasons I started praying about this, the chief one being that I often feel overwhelmed, isolated, and unsupported in my work as preschool teacher.

However, through prayer I have discerned a call to leave early that seems to surpass my actual reasons for wanting to. Even if my work situation improved, as it already has since I got back (thanks to lots of conversations with and advice from friends and family), and hopefully will continue to do, I would still feel called to leave in September.

So, here in Chacocente, Nicaragua, there is a volunteer position available for a preschool teacher. If you come at the beginning of September, I´ll train you before I go. School ends November 25th and the older ones have a ceremony on December 5th where they graduate to first grade (which I´ll be sorry to miss!). I believe this three-month volunteer is out there, because otherwise I don´t think God would call me to leave early.

The funds I would have used to live here in October, November, and December, will be donated to Chacocente, or tithed to my Nicaraguan church.

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